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Reviewers and Readers Comment on Sailing The Greek Islands : Dancing With Cyclops

“Dancing With Cyclops”, the name I like better, had me laughing out loud. I loved it! The skipper is completely likable as he struggles to manage both catamaran and shipmates through unfamiliar waters, not to mention the rogue local captain of their second boat. I saw a little of Greece, a country I’ve always yearned to visit, and met many colorful characters while also learning some of sailing’s more technical side. But during this adventure, whether terrified in a storm or seasick, I always ended up laughing.–Jil Plummer, Author

Good introduction to chartering in Greece for skippers: The Greek islands are probably best experienced by boat. This book definitely opens up the appetite for sailing and exploring this wonderful part of the world. This publication is also great for amateur skippers because it tries to demystify the ups and downs of renting and commanding a boat in Greece.— ­­Mihaio

Cautionary tales for skippers of Greece bareboat sailing charters: This is a little book: ~70 pages with plenty of pictures, written from the perspective of a skipper doing a bareboat charter out of Athens. It really spoke to me ­ I am that guy. I read it because I’m skippering a catamaran charter in the Cyclades, and I found it to be a book by a skipper for a skipper. Glad to know about the classic Med Mooring mistake: throwing the mooring lines in the water so they get tangled in the prop ­ that could have been me. Lots of stories of hard­won experience that make you say “Aha ­ I will avoid doing that”. Prose is a bit flowery/overblown for my taste, but what’s behind it is 100% caring skipper learning the hard way. Boo to Meltimi.—Paul Bouchiero